Roomdivider feet Installation

Below you will find the video and text of the installation of the feet.

Instruction video

1. Open the package and take out the following items:

- 2 feet (Casalis)

- 8 screws (Casalis)

- 2 self-tapping screws (Casalis)

- Crosshead screwdriver

- Flat screwdriver

2. With the help of the second person, lay the Casalis panel flat on a table so that the underside is visible and accessible.

3. Take one foot and position it correctly at the bottom of the panel, with the floor protectors facing downwards. Then, ask the second person to screw the foot in using a flathead screwdriver. Do not screw all the way in yet. Begin with the outermost screw, then move onto the innermost screw, and finally, add the remaining two screws.

4. Take the long self-tapping screw and use the crosshead screwdriver to screw it into the base at the bottom.

5. Repeat the above steps for the other foot on the opposite side of the panel.

6. Screw everything down tightly.

7. Set the panels straight on their feet and check for stability. If necessary, tighten additional screws.

Congratulations! You have successfully assembled the Acoustics Room divider package. Enjoy dividing up your polyvalent space!